
Tom Abinanti has been a leader in the fight to protect women’s reproductive freedom. In the Assembly, he consistently supported legislation to safeguard women’s reproductive health rights.


100% Pro-Choice – CHOICE MATTERS




• Co-sponsored the Reproductive Health Act adding Roe v.Wade protections to New York law.
• Made New York a sanctuary for reproductive health care.
• Sponsored a constitutional amendment to protect reproductive freedom.

At its 50th Anniversary celebration, WCLA - CHOICE MATTERS honored Assembly member Abinanti for his efforts to protect reproductive rights.

At its 50th Anniversary celebration, WCLA – CHOICE MATTERS honored Assembly member Abinanti for his efforts to protect reproductive rights.



Tom’s has always been pro-choice

Tom Abinanti served as a board member and pro-bono attorney for the Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion for 18 years.


Women’s Reproductive Rights

Assemblyman Abinanti co-sponsored the New York Reproductive Health Act that enacts US Supreme Court 1973  Roe v. Wade protections. The RHA transferred abortion regulation from the penal law to the public health law and recognized abortion as a lawful medical procedure. 


Comprehensive Contraceptive

Assemblyman Abinanti was a strong supporter of the Comprehensive Contraceptive Coverage Act that codified in New York law the federal Affordable Care Act’s requirement that all health insurers provide cost-free coverage for at least one type of FDA-approved contraception. The Act prohibits deductibles, co-pays and any restrictions or delays with respect to coverage.


“Boss Bill”

Assemblyman Abinanti co-sponsored the Boss Bill law that prohibits employers from accessing an employee’s reproductive health information and from imposing any requirements that would obstruct an employee’s ability to access related health and medical services. This new law prohibits employers from discriminating against employees based on the employees’ or dependent’s reproductive health decisions and provides remedies for violations.


Safe Access

Assemblyman Abinanti sponsored legislation to enhance state protections for those who use health care facilities from harassment and intimidation. Before that, as County Legislator, Abinanti proposed legislation to protect those who use health care facilities from harassment and intimidation. Some credit his legislative push as the stimulus for the State to pass some statewide protections.