A Better Quality of Life

– At Less Cost!

That’s what we’re striving for – a better place to live – a safer community with cleaner air, cleaner water, enough open space, good child care, and quality schools. So, Tom Abinanti has been trying to move State government to make a real difference in the things we care about.

Tom is a strong voice to enhance state funding for our suburban schools to better their quality and reduce reliance on local property taxes.  He is outspoken on the need to combat climate change and stop gun violence. He is leading statewide spokesman for people with special needs – and was recently named chair of a new Assembly Committee on People with disabilities.

Before serving as an Assemblyman, Tom represented Greenburgh on the 17-member Westchester County Board of Legislators. When the voters gave the Democrats a majority for the first time in modern history. Tom was selected as the Board’s first-ever Democratic Majority Leader where he played a major role in enacting new procedures that gave everyone greater access to County government and new laws that gave everyone a better quality of life.