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Westchester property taxes are high. We need to shift away from relying so heavily on property taxes to support local services.

Westchester taxpayers pay very high property taxes. Assemblyman Abinanti has been working to shift away from relying so heavily on property taxes to support local services.

First, since some 60% of the burden comes from taxes levied to pay for our schools, Assemblyman Abinanti has been working for fair state aid for our schools. Assemblyman Abinanti’s advocacy insured that newly passed State Budget made a record investment in public education — and that the schools in our area benefited from additional funds.

Second, Assemblyman Abinanti’s advocacy insured that newly passed State Budget included a circuit-breaker to provide a State rebate for  property taxes based on income. 

We need a fairer tax system.

Assemblyman Abinanti’s advocacy along with that of other like-minded legislators insured that State Budget included a middle-class income tax cut paid for by increased income taxes on those who make over a million dollars with additional tiers for those who make over $5 million and $25 million.